Partnership with Parents
At Airedale Infant School we promote a friendly welcoming atmosphere with our 'open door policy'. Our aim is to work closely with parents to enable your child to make the most progress possible and have a happy and successful time in school.
Our parents are invited into school for activity sessions, information meetings, concerts and assemblies. We hold six consultation evenings over the year for parents to share levels of progress and attainment and identify the next steps for learning.
We see many of our parents on a daily basis. Please contact us if you have any queries regarding your child's education. We will help in any way that we can. Your comments are important and valued
Each week your child will be set homework in a range of areas. Please visit your child's year group page to see their expectations per year group.
During half term holidays your child will also be set a homework project by their class teacher linking to their new topic. This is your opportunity to get creative at home! We love to show these wonderful projects in class and display these in our classrooms.
The homework projects set can be found at the bottom of the parent flyer that is sent out at the end of each half term.
Parent View
Parent View is an online questionnaire for you to give your views about our school at any time of the year. To complete your views please click the link below: