
Subject Leader: Mrs Atkinson

The overarching aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word. It aims to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment.

The curriculum for English at Airedale Infant School aims:

  • To teach children the skills needed to read fluently and with good understanding
  • To develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
  • To acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
  • To appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
  • To write for a range of purposes, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
  • To use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain their understanding and ideas
  • To be able to speak and listen to others




The school ethos of Ambition, Bravery and Respect is woven throughout the English curriculum offer and ensures that children are equipped to take their learning into adulthood. We support all children to be AMBITIOUS as they learn new skills, challenge their own learning through research and create their own pieces of written work. We encourage children to be BRAVE and make mistakes in their learning and the development of drafting and editing supports all children understanding that the ‘first piece is never the finished piece’. We endeavour to provide an English curriculum which celebrates diversity, using a range of texts, language experiences and themes to support our children understanding and RESPECTING the world around them.


At Airedale Infant School we aim to develop children’s literacy skills through a topic based approach which, wherever possible is book led. We aim to provide opportunities for children to develop their literacy skills through other subjects such as History, Geography, R.E. and Science as we want children to see how literacy can be used effectively in other areas of the curriculum.

English is taught daily in all classes as a designated lesson and also as a cross curricular medium. As the English Curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of reading, writing, spelling and grammar, we aim to offer an interesting and varied breadth of study of these skills throughout each year group to keep children engaged and motivated.

In English, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. These skills enable children to express themselves and communicate in general and to make sense of the whole school curriculum.


Children are taught English skills daily. They begin with a range of scaffolds to support their independent thinking and as they become more accomplished, these are reduced and children are encouraged to edit, draft and craft more creatively independent pieces. Children have daily reading lessons through the delivery of the Read Write Inc programme which teaches children the sounds in which they need to know to be able to read any word. Daily Read Write Inc lessons provide many opportunities to develop the fluency and accuracy they need to be confident readers. Encouraging a love of reading is fostered through opportunities to read as a class, group, individual and alongside a ‘buddy’ as part of our Reading Befrienders club.


At Airedale Infant School, language and communication underpins our whole curriculum. Being able to articulate oneself in the spoken and written word is an essential skills which is developed though all aspects of the curriculum. Our children are immersed in language and literature and the development of spoken language and key vocabulary is an essential tool in unlocking learning opportunities across the curriculum. Therefore, we develop our children’s speech and language skills through a wide range of activities including role play, drama, discussions, assemblies and ensure that these skills are developed across all subject areas. Written communication is showcased through other subjects when children demonstrate their learning through ‘Big Questions’ at the end of a topic in Year 2 or as part of cross curricular writing opportunities. They are able to draw from a bank of taught skills communicate that they know more and remember more.

Enquiring Minds

Choosing the right context for learning is essential and starts with vocabulary and the ability to translate this vocabulary into context, apply it to many areas of learning and use it to communicate ideas. Through high quality reading material, we take into account the distinctive needs of the community and ensure that children have many opportunities to ask questions, qualify understanding and be both motivated and curious.