Welcome to Airedale Infants School Castleford West Yorkshire

British Values

The DFE have recently reinforced the need-

'to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutal respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'

The Governemnt set out its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy,and these values were reiterated by the Government in 2014.

At Airedale Infant School, British Values and Christian Values are embedded in every day school life and are regularly promoted through high quality teaching, a broad and balanced curriculum, collective worship and a positive behaviour policy.  Fundamental British Values are also promoted through our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development of pupils, our application of Philosophy for Children principles and during our RE lessons and circle time.  Pupils are provided with opportunities to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.


Our school behaviour policy is clear that children are expected to contribute and co-operate, taking into account the views of others.  This policy clearly includes the need for rewards and sanctions.
Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through different groups within the school, which include Collective Worship during assembly time and the School Council.  The School Council meet half termly to discuss their ideas and opinions and participate in decision making for the school.  The School Council consists of two members from each class who are nominated and voted for.

Rule of Law

Pupils are continually taught to recognise the difference between right and wrong and the importance of applying this in their daily lives.
We have a behaviour policy, which outlines staff, parent and pupils responsibilities.
We consistently reinforce our high expectations of all children.  Children are taught the value and reasons behind our whole school agreements.  They know that these agreements are here to protect us, that everyone has a responsibility and that there are consequences when agreements are broken.
Our whole School Agreements are:
In our school we agree to:

  •  Care for each other
  • Care for all our special things
  • Care for our school building
  • Share all our things
  • Share our friends
  • Share all the  people who help us to learn
  • Always use good manners
  • Remember to say please and thank you
  • Always listen to others
  • Welcome people who visit our school


Individual Liberty

Within school, pupils are encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment  to enable them to do this.  Through our underlying SMSC curriculum we discuss different choices that the children can make and we encourage them to make the right choices.  Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their choices and are taught about the effect that this has on both their peers and adults.  They are given opportunities to resolve conflicts effectively and fairly.  Through e-safety we teach the importance of keeping safe when using technology.  Visitors, such as Police and the Road Safety Team and assemblies, such as the NSPCC Pants Campaign, helps us to reinforce the importance of safety and protecting people from harm.

Mutual Respect

Our whole school ethos is built around the Christian Values of Friendship, Perserverance, Respect, Thankfulness, Forgiveness and Hope.  We believe that respect for others is a vital component of moral development.  We are an inclusive school where everyone is highly valued and respected.  Adults act as positive role models and they demonstrate and promote respects for others.  Staff help children to understand how to respect each other by talking about how actions and words can impact on the feelings of others.
We encourage open discussions in all areas but particularly in lessons which promote citizenship such as 'Ask it' and through circle time.  Pupils are encouraged and supported to discuss and consider local and global issues.  We have good links with the local community and pupils take part in events such as the Harvest Festival, carol concerts and performances.  We have a very close link with Holy Cross Church and Reverend Tracey regularly leads assemblies and she also participates in school events.  All classes visit the church.

Tolerance of those of different Faiths and Beliefs

Through our teaching we help pupils to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.  Pupils are provided with opportunities, through our RE curriculum to learn from each other by sharing and celebrating different faiths, cultures and beliefs.  Our curriculum incorporates teaching and learning opportunities for pupils to explore aspects of the wider world and develop an appreciation of cultural diversity.  We celebrate a range of different festivals within the school such as Chinese New Year, Divali, Hanukah and Christmas.
Members of different faiths or religions are invited into school to share their knowledge to enhance learning.